We are honored to be your witness as you embark on this transformative journey.

Consider us a container where you can unpack the entire backpack of your life's experiences.

Stand resilient as you reveal the beauty and intricacies of this process, embracing both its shining elegance and darkest messiness.

Discard what no longer serves you, refining the unique magic that defines you. Making space for the next chapter of your journey, ascending towards the peak of fulfillment in the adventure of your life.


What We Offer

Custom immersion for


Multiple tools to reconnect and deepen relationship with self such as :

  • Self Reflection & Self Awareness

  • Clear and Direct Communication

  • Vulnerable Intimacy

Learn the dance of the masculine and feminine energies.

Transform habitual patterns of relating into new, freeing and depth evoking skills in intimacy.



Our journey unfolded organically, far from the confines of dating apps or the pressure to seek completeness in another. It started with a pause—a moment of presence, embracing our true selves and nurturing a profound sense of self intimacy. Surprisingly, it wasn't in the usual places but amidst the casual setting of a mutual friend's celebration where our paths unexpectedly crossed.

In a lighthearted moment in an act of service, we found ourselves bumping butts and cooking together. Little did we know that this encounter would become the spark and reflection of the exact work we had both put in.

Jesse's narrative was once ensnared in the labyrinth of relationships defined by perpetual striving and self-neglect. Caught in the cycle of prioritizing others' contentment over his own, he inadvertently fostered a codependent dynamic that obscured his true essence. Through a dedicated commitment to self-exploration, Jesse unveiled his power of embracing self-fulfillment, liberating himself from the confines of incessant pleasing. His journey toward reclaiming his autonomy and solvernty illuminated a path to genuine connections anchored in clarity and empowered expression.

Conversely, Emy's journey was shadowed by a history of trauma, a narrative that once dictated her quest for external validation and safety. Her subconscious yearning for rescue perpetuated a cycle of seeking partners to fill a void she believed only another could complete. Through introspection and a deliberate pursuit of self-empowerment, Emy transcended her past wounds. Embracing her authenticity, she shattered the victimhood paradigm, forging a newfound relationship with her inner self, free from the shackles of past narratives.

Their individual odysseys converged serendipitously, catalyzing a relationship built on the bedrock of mutual self-awareness, love, vulnerability, and unwavering commitment to personal growth.

The union between Jesse and Emy embodies a synergy of liberated sovereign beings, fostering clear and direct communication, an unparalleled depth of intimacy, and a harmonious interplay of curiosity and surrender.

Are you poised to embark on your own transformative journey, seeking to elevate not just your relationship but also your sense of self ?

Join Jesse and Emy as they illuminate a path to profound clear, direct communication.

Allow their beacon of empowerment and vulnerability to guide you toward the uncharted depths of surrender & intimacy waiting to be discovered within yourself and your relationship.

Are you ready to step into this realm of transformative connection?

Meet Jesse Kunes

Empowerment Enthusiast

Transformation Guide

Professional Instigator and Integrator

Honored Witness to Your Becoming

Jesse Kunes embarked on a profound journey of self-discovery and empowerment, threading together resilience, transformation, and a steadfast commitment to living authentically.

Transforming Relationships

In navigating a complex maze of relationships that no longer aligned with Jesse's journey, they gleaned invaluable insights about the significance of self-love and the dynamics of fostering healthy connections. Recognizing his own role in relationship outcomes became a pivotal revelation. Each challenging chapter served as a stepping stone toward profound personal growth and deeper understanding.

Overcoming Impulsive and Addiction Patterning

Jesse's journey was marked by grappling with personal challenges, particularly the arduous task of overcoming impulsive behaviors and addiction patterns. Through unwavering self-reflection and an unrelenting commitment to crafting a better life, he emerged fortified, more enlightened, and profoundly connected to his authentic self.

Professional Evolution

Embarking on a transformative professional path, Jesse skillfully merged his passion and purpose. Aligning his work with the essence of what ignited his soul unveiled an incredible synergy, infusing authenticity into their professional journey.

Blending Passion and Purpose

Jesse's dedication lies in guiding others towards empowerment and fulfillment. As an enthusiast of empowerment and a seasoned transformation guide, he seamlessly integrate personal experiences, professional acumen, and an innate passion for assisting individuals in embracing their inner brilliance.

Holistic Approach

His approach embodies a holistic perspective, encompassing not just the pragmatic aspects of life but also acknowledging the spiritual and energetic dimensions. By intricately weaving together the fabric of body, mind, emotions, and soul, Jesse empowers individuals to craft lives imbued with meaning and purpose.

Meet Emy Garcia

Emy Garcia is committed to a profound journey of self-discovery, inner transformation, and personal evolution.

Her path intricately weaves a deep exploration of self, a rediscovery of life through embodiment, and the transformative use of adversity as a catalyst for joy, pleasure, expansion, and beauty.

From overcoming toxic relationships, self sabotaging habits & patterns, sexual trauma to dealing with anxiety and depression. These pivotal experiences, serving as initiations, have significantly nurtured her growth, fostering enduring qualities of devotion, compassion, curiosity, and courage. They have sculpted her into a sanctuary of nurture for herself and a guiding presence for others seeking their own paths of growth, self-realization and creative expression.

Self-Awareness and Mindfulness

Her expertise in meditation and self-observation techniques empowers individuals to develop greater self-awareness, leading to more conscious decision-making and personal growth.

Purpose and Meaning

Emy assists individuals in aligning their careers with their passions, discovering purpose, and finding fulfillment in their professional endeavors.

Career Transition and Innovation

Drawing from her own journey, Emy guides their career changes, fostering innovation, creativity, and soulful expression in their professional lives.

Spiritual Development and Inner Exploration

She helps individuals explore spirituality, uncover deeper meaning, and align their actions with their values for a more fulfilling life.

Creativity and Self-Expression

Encouraging individuals to tap into their creative potential, express themselves authentically, and explore new ways of thinking and problem-solving.

Relationships and Communication

Assisting clients in improving communication skills, fostering healthier relationships, and navigating various interpersonal dynamics.

Energetics and Mindfulness

Supporting clients in understanding and managing their energy levels, incorporating mindfulness practices, and aligning with their inner balance.

Embodiment Life Coach

Human Centered Design Expert

Sanctuary & Guide for Transformation

As part of the

you will

Receive weekly individual & couple session call with both of us.

Weekly modules to work on individually and together.

Uniquely and specifically selected techniques & tools.